English Setter Results from the English and Scottish Grouse Trials in July + August 2023: The Scottish Field Trial Association - Open Stake - Burncastle COM Mr TDO Hall's ESD Upperwood Hogmany The North of Scotland Gundog Association- Open Stake Dorback : 2nd Mr G Devine's ESD FTCH Ballyellen Tango The Northen Counties Pointer & Setter Society - Open Stake Moy: 1st Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Orra 4th Mr D Collins's ESB Badnonan Aurora The Pointer Club of Scotland Open Stake - Cawdor: 1st Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Tango The Champion Stake- Bollihope Diploma of Merit Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Orra The English Setter Club - Novice Stake Great Eggleston: 1st Mr D Collins's ESB Badnonan Aurora 2nd Mr D Goutorbe'e ESD Upperwood Countdown The English Setter Club - Open Breed Stake Great Eggleston: 1st Mr P Whitaker's ESD Troy De Coriam 2nd Miss C Calvert's ESB Lefanta Chloe of Glynlark 3rd Miss Calvert's ESD Gortinreagh Joker 4th Mr G Devine's ESD FTCH Gortinreagh Jack Duggan The English Partridge and Pheasant Trials April 2023: The English Setter Club - Novice Stake Great Livermere: 1st Mr J Naylor’s ESD Solid Gold’s Asso The English Setter Club- Open Stake Great Livermere: CoM Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood handled by Bridget Longworth English Setter Results from the English and Scottish Spring Grouse Trials in March 2023: North of Scotland Gundog Association – Novice Stake Logiealmond 2nd – Miss C Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Merlin Northern Counties Pointer & Setter Society – Open Stake Lochan : 1st – Mr G Devine’s ESD FTCh Ballyellen Tango CoM – Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan Northern Counties Pointer & Setter Society – Novice Stake Lochan : 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Quiz 2nd Mr D Collins’s ESB Badnonan Aurora Gordon Setter Association – Open Stake Kyllachy : 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan 3rd Mr D Collins’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Jemma Scottish Gundog Association – Open Stake Lochindorb: 4th Mr G Devine’s ESD FTCh Ballyellen Tango CoM – Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan ENGLISH SETTER AWARD WINNERS 2022 July/August Grouse Trials English Setter Club 21st July 2022 - Open English Setter Breed Stake – Eggleston Moor 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Duke 2nd Mr D Goutorbe’e ESB Upperwood Wanda 3rd Miss L Hall’s ESB Upperwood Cherche 4th Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan English Setter Club 22nd July 2022 - Open Stake - Eggleston Moor 4th Miss L Hall’s ESB Upperwood Cherche Pointer Club of Scotland 30th July 2022– Puppy Stake - Cawdor Estate Certificate of Merit Mr R Gould’s ESB Wamilhangar Lilybet Northern Counties Pointer & Setter Society 2nd August 2022– Open Stake – Moy Estate 3rd Ms C Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Joker The North of Scotland Gundog Association 6th August 2022 – Open Stake – Dunphail Estate 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan Certificate of Merit Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Duke Scottish Field Trial Association 8th August 2022 - Open Stake – Burncastle Estate 2nd Mr G Devine’e ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan Certificate of Merit Mr G Devine’s ESD FTCh Ballyellen Tango Kennel Club Puppy Derby Stake organised by Scottish Field Trial Association 9th August 2022 – Burncastle Estate 3rd Mr G Devine’s ESB Lefanta Cara Certificate of Merit Mr R Gould’s ESB Wamilhangar Lilybet Spring Partridge & Pheasant Trials English Setter Club All Aged Stake 10th April 2022 Great Livermere, Bury St Edmunds CoM Mrs A Maddison’s ESB Gaiasett Afentid Southern & Western Counties Novice Stake 15th April 2022 Balsham, Newmarket 1st Mr TDO Hall’s ESD Upperwood Hogmany Southern & Western Counties Partridge Challenge 16th April 2022 Balsham, Newmarket 1st Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre of Bringwood March Grouse Trials North Of Scotland Gundog Association Open Stake Logiealmond, Perthshire 1st Mr D Collins ESB Gortinreagh Jemma 3rd Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Duke Gordon Setter Association Open Stake 18th March 2022 Kyllachy, Invernesshire 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan Pointer Club of Scotland Open Stake 21st March 2022 Farr, Invernesshire 1st Mr D Collins ESB Gortinreagh Jemma Scottish Field Trial Association Open Stake 25th March 2022 Dalmagarry, Invdernesshire 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Orra Scottish Field Trial Association Novice Stake 26th March 2022 Dalmagarry, Invdernesshire 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Orra Dukeries Gundog Club 27th March 2022 Open Stake Holwick, Co Durham 3rd Miss L Hall’s ESB Upperwood Cherche English Setter Award Winners 2021 English Setter Results September Partridge/Pheasant Trials 2021 No English Setter Awards English Setter Results English Grouse Trials 2021 Gordon Setter Field Trial Trial Society 22nd July 2022 Grinton 4th place Mrs A Maddison's ESB Gaiasett Aefentid English Setter Club Breed Stake 26th July 2021 Yad Moss Moor 1st place Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Duke 2nd place Ms C Calvert's ESD Ballyellen Blue Grass Pointer & Setter Champion Stake - Bollihope Co Durham 3rd place Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Duke DOM Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Eppie SFTA 1st August- Burncastle Novice Stake 1st place Mr J Garmendia's ESD Dembe Junior Open Stake Ms C Calvert's ESD Gortinreagh Joker 3rd place Mr J Garmendia's ESD Dembe Junior COM Mr G Devine'e ESB Gortinreagh Kimiko SGA 7th August Glen Livit Open Stake 2nd place Mr G Devine'e ESD Ballyellen Tango 2021 - Spring No Trials - Covid 19 2020- NO TRIALS - COVID 19 English Setter Award Winners 2019 English Setter Results English September Partridge + Pheasant Trials 2019 Gordon Setter Field Trial Association Open Stake- Sandringham 3rd September 2019 Certificate of Merit Mr R Gould’s ESD Upperwood Voulez Vous Avec Wamilinghar Pointer Club Novice Stake – Sandrigham 5th September 2019 1st Mrs A Maddison’s ESB Gaiasett Aefentid English Setter Results English + Scottish July + August Grouse Trials 2019 English Setter Club Novice Stake – Eggleston 17th July 2019 1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Wanda 2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Orion Du Bois De Buisseret At Upperwood ( Imp Bel) English Setter Club Open Breed Stake – Eggleston 17th July 2019 1st Miss Calvert’s ESD Ballyellen Blue Grass 2nd Miss C Calvert’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala Certificate of Merit Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood Kyn Elle At Aurichalcum Certificate of Merit Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre of Bringwood Certificate of Merit Mrs G Dale’s ESD Bladesdale Excalibur English Setter Club Open Stake – Eggleston 18th July 2019 1st Mrs EF Kirk’s ESD Upperwood Allez Allez of Woundales 4th Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Upperwood Va Vite Certificate of Merit Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe The Pointer and Setter Champion Stake- Bollihope 28th + 29th July 2019 4th Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCH Gortinreagh Faith Diploma of Merit Miss C Calvert’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala Scottish Gundog Association Open Stake – Glenlivet 3rd August 2019 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan 3rd Ms C Calvert’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala 4th Mr D Collins ESB Gortinreagh Jemma Certificate of Merit Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Kimito Certificate of Merit Miss C Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Joker Pointer Club of Scotland Open Stake – Dorback 6th August 2019 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Faith 3rd Mr G Devine’s ESD FTCh Ballyellen Tango 4th Mr D Collins ESB Gortinreagh Jemma Certificate of Merit Miss C Calvert’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala Certificate of Merit Miss C Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Granite Northern Counties Open Stake- Moy 9th August 2019 1st Ms Carole Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Gala 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Faith North Of Scotland Gundog Association Novice Stake -Glen Gairn 10th August 2019 1st Ms C Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Josey Wales North Of Scotland Gundog Association Open Stake -Glen Gairn 10th August 2019 3rd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan English Setter Field Trial Resuts - English April Partridge/Pheasant Trials 2019 Irish Setter Association England + Setter and Pointer Club Open Stake- Newmarket 11th April 2019 1st Mr D Goutorbe’e ESB FTCh Upperwood Clover 2nd Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood English Setter Club Open Stake- Great Livermere 16th April 2019 3rd Mr D Goutorbe’e ESB FTCh Upperwood Clover CoM Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood Southern Pointer Club Open Stake- Fulborn 18th April 2019 CoM Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD Upperwood Va Vite Southern and Western Counties Field Trial Society Novice Stake – Newmarket 19th April 2019 1st Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood Kyne Elle of Mullenscote Southern and Western Counties Field Trial Society Partridge Challenge Stake – Newmarket 20th April 2019 CoM Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood English Setter Field Trial Resuts - Scottish + English March Grouse Trials 2019 Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society Open Stake Amulree 20th March 2019 CoM Mr D Collin’s ESB Gortinreagh Imp Gordon Setter Association Open Stake - Tomatin 22nd March 2019 1st Mr D Collin’s ESB Gortinreagh Imp CoM Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe Pointer Club of Scotland Open Stake – Farr 25th March 2019 2nd Mr R Goud’s ESB Upperwood Voulez Vous Avec Wamilanghaar 3rd Mr D Collins ESB Gortinreagh Jemma CoM Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe Scottish Gundog Association Novice Stake – Lochindorb 28th March 2019 1st Ms Carole Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Granite Scottish Field Trial Association Open Stake –Dalmagarry 29th March 2019 4th Ms Carole Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Gala CoM Mrs G Dale’s ESD Bladesdale Excalibur Scottish Field Trial Association Novice Stake –Dalmagarry 30th March 2019 1st Ms Carole Calvert’s ESD Gortinreagh Granite Dukeries Gundog Club –Holwick 31st March 2019 CoM Mrs M Asbury’s ESD Upperwood Eau De Vie English Setter Award Winners - 2018 English Setter Field Trial Results – September Partridge/Pheasant 2018 Pointer Club Open Stake- Sandringham 3rd Ms S Chichester's ESD Upperwood Schnapps Of Wiscombe 4th Mr R Gould's ESB Upperwood Voulez Vous avc Wamilanghaar Mid Herts Gundog Club Open Stake- Houghton com Mr D Longworth's ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre of Bringwood English Setter Field Trial Results – July/August Grouse 2018 Yorkshire Gundog Club Novice Stake- Newbiggin 2nd Mrs G Dales's ESD Bladesdale Excalibur West Dartmoor Gundog Club Novice Stake- Bowes 2nd Mrs G Dales's ESD Bladesdale Excalibur International Gundog League Open Stake- Muggleswick/Allenheads 4th Ms S Chichesters's ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe com Mr D Longworth's ESD Gaiasett Lughnasadah Of Bringwood English Setter Club Open Breed Stake- Eggleston 1st Mr J Naylor's Upperwood Finn of Bitternboom 2nd Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Duke 3rd Mr DM Goutorbe's ESB FTCh Upperwood Clover 4th Mr G Devine's ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie com Mrs A Maddison's ESB Gaiasett Aefentid Pointer Club Open Stake- Reeth com Mr D Lonworth's ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre of Bringwood com Mr D Longworth's ESD Gaiasett Lughnasadah Of Bringwood Northern Counties Pointer & Setter Society Novice Stake - Moy 1st Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Kimiko Pointer Club of Scotland Novice Stake - Dorback 1st Mr B Connolly's ESB Ballyellen Diva ( handled by Mr G Devine) Pointer Club of Scotland Open Stake - Dorback 1st Mr D Collins's ESB Gortinreagh Jemma 2nd Mr G Devine's ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan com Mrs EF Kirk's ESD Upperwood Allez Allez of Woundales North Of Scotland Gundog Association Novice Stake- Glen Gairn 1st Miss C Calvert's ESD Gortinreagh Joker ( handled by G Devine) North Of Scotland Gundog Association Open Stake- Glen Gairn 2nd Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Tango Scottish Gundog Association Open Stake- Glen Livit 4th Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Tango com Mr G Devine's ESD Ballellen Duke com Mr G Devine's ESD Gortinreagh Big Jake com Mr G Devine's ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan The Kennel Club Puppy Derby Stake - Tollishill ( organised by The Scottish Field Trial Association) 2nd Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Kimiko The Scottish Field Trial Association Open Stake - Tollishill com Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Duke The Pointer & Setter Champion Stake - Bryrecleugh ( organised by The Scottish Field Trial Association) 4th Mr B Connolly's EB FTCh Ballyellen Cara ( handled by Mr G Devine) com Mr G Devine's ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Faith English Setter Field Trial Results – April Partridge/Pheasant 2018 English Setter Club All Aged Stake- Great Livermere 3rd Ms L Hall's ESB Upperwood Cherche Southern Pointer Club Open Stake- Fulbourn 2nd Mr J Naylor's ESD Upperwood Finn Of Bitternboom Southern + Western Counties Field Trial Society- THE PARTRIDGE CHALLENGE - West Wratting 1st Mr R Gould's ESB Upperwood Voulez Vous Avec Wamilanger English Setter Field Trial Results – March Grouse 2018 Pointer Club of Scotland- Open Stake -Cawdor 3rd Mr G Devine's ESD Ballyellen Duke Scottish Gundog Association- Novice Stake- Lochindorb 3rd Mr G Devine's ESD Joker Scottish Gundog Association- Open Stake- Lochindorb 4th Miss C Calvert's ESD Gortinreagh Gala CoM Mr R Gould's ESB Upperwood Voulez Vous Avec Wamilanger English Setter Award Winners - 2017 English Setter Field Trial Results – September Partridge/Pheasant 2017 Gordon Setter Novice Stake- Sandringham CoM Mrs A Maddison’s ESB Gaiasett Aefentid Gordon Setter Open Stake- Sandringham 2nd Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood La Vitesse Of Mullenscote 3rd Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood Pointer Club Novice Stake- Sandringham 1st Miss R Di Palma's ESB Briony Del Cavaldrossa Mid Herts Open Stake- Houghton 2nd Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood English Setter Field Trial Results – July/August Grouse 2017 Pointer Club Novice Stake- Lauder 3rd Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood La Vitesse Of Mullenscote Dukeries Open Stake - Lauder CoM Mr D Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert CoM Mrs EF Kirk’s ESD Upperwood Allez Allez of Woundales Yorkshire Gundog Club Novice Stake - Blanchland 1st Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood La Vitesse Of Mullenscote 3rd Mr D Longworth’s ESD Upperwood Joie De Vivre Of Bringwood West Dartmoor Open Stake- Bowes 3rd Mr R Gould’s ESB Upperwood Voulez Vous Avec Wamlanghaar 4th Mr D Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert English Setter Club Open Breed Stake- Eggleston 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCH Gortinreagh Eppie 2nd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCH Upperwood Clover 3rd Mr B Connolly’s ESB FTCH Ballyellen Cara ( handled by G Devine) 4th Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Tango Com Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Hera ISAE + S + P C Puppy Stake -Swinton 3rd Mr J Naylor’s ESD Upperwood Finn Of Bitternboom ISAE + S + P C Novice Stake -Swinton 3rd Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood Kynn Elle Of Aurichalcum IGL Novice Stake- Muggleswick 2nd Mrs A Maddison’s ESB Gaiasett Aefentid Champion Stake – Bollihope Diploma Of Merit Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCH Upperwood Hera Scottish Field Trial Association –Novice Stake - Tollishill COM Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Duke Scottish Field Trial Association - Open Stake - Tollishill 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Faith 3rd Mr B Connolly’s ESB FTCh Ballellen Cara ( handled by G Devine) Pointer Club Of Scotland - Puppy Stake - Dorback 1st Mr D Collins’s ESB Gortinreagh Jemma Pointer Club Of Scotland Open Stake - Dorback CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB Ballyellen Inca CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie Northern Counties – Novice Stake –Cawdor 1st Mr G Devine’s Ballyellen Duke Northern Counties – Open Stake –Cawdor CoM Mr D Collin’s Gortinreagh Imp Scottish Gundog Association- Puppy Stake- Glenlivet 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Jack Duggan Scottish Gundog Association – Open Stake- Glenlivet CoM Mr G Devine’s ESD FTCh Gortinreagh Excel CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Flair North Of Scotland Gundog Association- Puppy Stake – Dinnet 3rd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Big Jake North Of Scotland Gundog Association- Novice Stake – Dinnet 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Big Jake North Of Scotland Gundog Association- Open Stake – Dinnet 3rd Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Faith 4th Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie English Setter Award Winners Spring Partridge and Pheasant Trials 2017 Kennel Club 15th April 2017 - Six Mile Bottom Open Stake 1st Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Clover Cof M Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Upperwood Forest English Setter Club 17th + 18th April 2017 - Great Livermere All Aged Stake 3rd Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood La Vitesse Of Mullenscote Open Stake 1st Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe 2nd Mrs EF Kirk’s ESD Upperwood Allez Allez of Woundales Southern Pointer Club 19th + 20th April 2017 – Fulbourn Novice Stake 1st Mr J Naylor’s ESD Upperwood Finn of Bitternboom All Aged Stake 2nd Mr H Kirby’s ESB Upperwood La Vitesse Of Mullenscote Open Stake 3rd Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe 4th Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Upperwood Forest C of M Mrs EF Kirk’s ESD Upperwood Allez Allez of Woundales Southern and Western Counties Field Trial Society 21st + 22nd April 2017 - West Wratting Novice Stake 1st Mrs L Watts ESB Upperwood Cherche 2nd Mr R Gould’s ESB Upperwood Voulez Vous Avec Wamilangerhaar 3rd Mr J Naylor’s ESD Upperwood Finn of Bitternboom Open Stake 2nd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood The Partridge Challenge C of M Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe C of M Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Upperwood Forest English Setter Award Winners Spring Grouse Trials 2017 Dukeries Notts ( Gundog Club) 20th March 2017- Holwick Puppy Stake 1st Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD Upperwood Va Vite 2nd Mr J Naylors ESD Upperwood Finn of Bitternboom Open Stake 2nd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCh Upperwood No Fly Zone C of M Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Upperwood Forest C of M Mr TDO Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society - 24th March 2017 – Amulree Open Stake 4th Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCh Upperwood No Fly Zone Pointer Club of Scotland - 27th March 2017- Cawdor Open Stake C of M Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Tango Scottish Gundog Association – 29th March 2017- Lochindorb Open Stake 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie C of M Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala C of M Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe Scottish Field Trial Association – 31st March 2017- Dalmagarry Open Stake 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Tango English Setter Award Winners - 2016 English Setter Results- Summer Grouse Trials 2016 Dukeries ( Notts ) Gundog Club Open Stake 14th July 2016 2nd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Clover 3rd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Upperwood Forest COM Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCh Upperwood Hera Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCh Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood Yorkshire Gundog Club Novice Stake 15th July 2016 COM Mrs A Maddison’s ESB Gaiasett Aefentid Open Stake 16th July 2016 1st Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCh Upperwood Hera 3rd Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCH Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood 4th Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCh Upperwood Forest International Gundog Club (Pointer and Setter Society) Puppy Stake 18th July 2016 1st Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe Open Stake 19th July 2016 3rd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCh Upperwood Hera COM Mrs M Asbury’s ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu English Setter Club Open Breed Stake 20th July 2016 1st Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCh Upperwood Hera 2nd Mr D Longworth’s ESD Gaiasett Lughnasadh of Bringwood 3rd Ms S Chichester’s ESD Upperwood Schnapps of Wiscombe Open Stake 21st July 2016 COM Mrs M Asbury’s ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood West Dartmoor Gundog Club Novice Stake 21st July 2016 1st Mr D Longworth’s ESD Gaiastt Lughnasadh of Bringwood Pointer Club Open Stake 28th July 2016 3rd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESD FTCh Upperwood Forest COM Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCh Upperwood Hera Scottish Gundog Association Puppy Stake 29th July 2016 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Inca Novice Stake 29th July 2016 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Ballyellen Tango Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society Puppy Stake 1st August 2016 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Inca Open Stake 2nd August 2016 1st Mr W Connolly’s ESB Ballyellen Coleen handled by Mr G Devine Pointer Club Of Scotland Open Stake 4th August 2016 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Excel COM Mr G Devine;s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie Mr B Connolly’s ESB FTCh Ballyellen Cara handled by Mr G Devine North of Scotland Gundog Association Open Stake 6th August 2016 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Faith 4th Mr G Devine’s FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie Kennel Club Derby Stake organised By The Scottish Field Trial Association 9th August 2016 1st Mr G Devines ESD Ballyellen Tango The Champion Stake organised By The Scottish Field Trial Association 10th + 11th August 2016 1st Mr W Connolly’s ESB FTCh Ballyellen Cara handled by Mr G Devine Diploma of Merit Mr D ESB Goutorbe’s FTCh Upperwood Hera Mr D ESB Goutorbe’s Upperwood Clover Mr TDO Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert The English Setter Club’s Bettie Town Glen Prosen Challenge 13th August 2016 ( special competition - Team Competition and a Shooting Trial ) Winning Team – English Setters Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCh Upperwood Hera, Upperwood Clover Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie, FTCh Ballyellen Cody, ESB FTCh Ballyellen Cara ( owned by Mr W Connolly) Mrs M Asbury’s ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu Top Dog and English Setter Guns Choice Mr D Goutorbe’s FTCh Upperwood Hera Results achieved by English Setters during the English Spring Partridge and Pheasant Trials in April 2016: Southern Pointer Club - Open Stake- Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire
Southern and Western Counties Field Trial Society- The Partridge Challenge Stake
Results achieved by English Setters during the English and Scottish Spring Grouse Trials in March 2016: Dukeries – Open Stake- Holwick
ISAE + S+P Club- Open Stake- Muggleswick
Northen Counties P + S Society- Puppy Stake- Amulree
Northen Counties P + S Society- Novice Stake- Amulree
Northen Counties P + S Society- Open Stake- Amulree
Pointer Club of Scotland – Novice Stake- Cawdor
Scottish Gundog Association - Puppy Stake- Lochindorb
Scottish Gundog Association - Novice Stake- Lochindorb
Scottish Gundog Association - Open Stake- Lochindorb
Scottish Field Trial Association Open Stake- Dorback
Scottish Field Trial Association Novice Stake- Dorback
English Setter Award Winners - 2015
Results achieved by English Setters during the Autumn Partridge and Pheasant Trials in September 2015 International Gundog League Pointer and Setter Society Open Stake 1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Clover Results achieved by English Setters during the English and Scottish Summer Grouse Trials in July 2015: Dukeries Gundog Club Novice Stake 1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Clover Dukeries Gundog Club Open Stake 1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood (Imp Gib) 2nd Mrs M Asbury’s ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu Yorkshire Gundog Club Open Stake 2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood English Setter Club Open Breed Stake 1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB F.T.Ch Upperwood No Fly Zone 2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood (Imp Gib) 3rd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Upperwood Forest 4th Mr TDO Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert Champion Stake Diploma of Merit – Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie Scottish Field Trial Association Open Stake 3rd Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB FTCh Upperwood No Fly Zone Pointer Club Of Scotland Puppy Stake Certificate of Merit Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Ivory Pointer Club of Scotland Novice Stake Mr B Connolly’s ESB Gortinreagh Flair handled by G Devine Pointer Club of Scotland Open Stake 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie Northern Counties Puppy Stake 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Ivory Northern Counties Novice Stake 1st Mrs G Dale’s ESB Upperwood Dorothy of Bladesdale Northern Counties Open Stake 1st Mr G Devines ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Eppie Scottish Gundog Association Puppy Stake 2nd Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Ivory 3rd Mr D Collins ESB Gortinreagh Imp Scottish Gundog Association Novice Stake 1st Mr B Connlly’s ESB Gortinreagh Flair handled by G Devine Scottish Gundog Association Open Stake 1st Mr G Devine’s ESD FTCh Ballyellen Cody 3rd Mr B Connolly’s ESB FTCh Ballyellen Cara handled by G Devine North of Scotland Gundog Association Puppy Stake 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Ivory 2nd Mr D Collin’s ESB Gortinreagh Imp North of Scotland Gundog Association Novice Stake 1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala Results achieved by English Setters during the English Spring Partridge and Pheasant Trials in April 2015: Southern and Western Counties - Open Stake 1st - Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Upperwood Forest English Setter Club - Open Stake 2nd - Mrs EF Kirk's ESD Upperwood Zeus of Woundales 3rd- Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood (imp Gib) Results achieved by English Setters during the English and Scottish Spring Grouse Trials in March 2015: Irish Setter Association and Setter & Pointer Club - Open Stake 1st - Mr DM Goutorbe's ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone 3rd - Mrs M Asbury's ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu handled by Mr DM Goutorbe Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club - Puppy Stake COM Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Upperwood Forest Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club - Open Stake 1st - Mrs EF Kirk's ESD Upperwood Zeus of Woundales 2nd- Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood (imp Gib) Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society - Open Stake 2nd Mrs M Asbury's ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu handled by Mr DM Goutorbe COM Mr DM Goutorbe's ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone COM Mr DM Goutorbe's ESB Uppwerwood Clover Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society - Novice Stake 3rd Mrs M Asbury's ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu handled by Mr DM Goutorbe Gordon Setter Association - Novice Stake 1st Mr G Devine's ESB Tullycroman Isla Pointer Club Of Scotland - Open Stake COM Miss C Calvert's ESB Gortinreagh Clover Scottish Gundog Association - Open Stake 1st Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Flyer 2nd Mr B Connolly's ESB FTCh Gortinreagh Cara handled by Mr G Devine 3rd Mr G Devine's FTCh ESD Ballyellen Cody COM Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood (Imp Gib) COM Mr DM Goutorbe's ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone Scottish Gundog Association - Novice Stake 1st Mr G Devine's ESB Tullycroman Isla Scottish Field Trial Association - Open Stake 2nd Mr B Connolly's ESB FTCh Ballyellen Cara handled by Mr G Devine COM Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Gibeltarik Troy At Upperwood (imp Gib) Scottish Field Trial Association - Novice Stake 1st Mr G Devine's ESB Tullycroman Isla |
English Setter Award Winners - 2014
In the 2014 Field Trial year English Setters have featured in the awards in all four of the English and Scottish Circuits and in the Northern Ireland Fields Trials and I am pleased to report the Breed has had one of the best years for some time.
Results achieved by English Setters during the English and Scottish Spring Grouse Trials in March 2014:
Gordon Setter Club Of Scotland – Novice Stake:
4th- Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Va Va Voom
Certificate of Merit (CoM) - Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone
Pointer Club of Scotland – Open Stake:
4th - Mr B Connolly’s ESB F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cara ( handled by Mr G Devine)
Scottish Gundog Association – Novice Stake:
2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Va Va Voom
Scottish Gundog Association – Open Stake:
3rd Mr B Connolly’s ESB Ballyellen Colleen (handled by Mr G Devine)
CoM Mr B Connolly’s ESD F.T.Ch Cody
CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Flyer
Scottish Field Trial Association – Novice Stake:
CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB Tullycroman Isla
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone
Scottish Field Trial Association – Open Stake:
1st Mr G Devine’s ESD F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cody
3rd Mr B Connolly’s ESB Ballyellen Colleen
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Hera
CoM Mr D Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone
English Setter Results from The English Partridge and Pheasant Trials:
The Southern + Western Counties Field Trial Society- Novice Stake
1st Mr TDO Hall's ESB Upperwood Ash Alert
The English Setter Club- All Aged Stake
1st Mr DM Goutorbe's ESD Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood (Imp Gib)
3rd Mrs EF Kirk's ESD Upperwood Zeus of Woundales
The English Setter Club- Open Stake
1st Mr DM Goutorbe's ESB Upperwood VaVa Voom
The Southern Pointer Club- Novice Stake
CoM Mr TDO Hall's ESB Upperwood Ash Alert
The Kennel Club- All Aged Stake
1st Mr TDO Hall's ESB Upperwood Ash Alert
English Setter results from the Northern Ireland Spring Grouse and Pheasant Trials:
NI Pointer Club- Open Stake - Glarryford
1st Mr B Connolly’s ESB Ballyellen Colleen (handled by Mr G Devine)
2nd Mr B Connolly’s ESB F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cara ( handled by Mr G Devine)
NI Pointer Club- Open Stake – Orra
CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Eppie
Strabane & District S & P Club – Open- Glenwherry
1st Mr G Devine’s ESD F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cody
4th Mr G Devine’s ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Eppie
Ulster Gundog League – Open Stake- Glenwherry
1st Mr G Devine’s ESD F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Excel
Ulster Irish Red Setter Club -Open Stake – Murley
1st Mr G Devine’s ESD F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cody
English Setter Results from the English and Scottish Summer Grouse Trials
Dukeries(Notts Gundog Club)- Novice Stake
2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone
3rd Mrs EF Kirk’s ESD Upperwood Zeus of Woundales handled by Mr D Goutorbe
Dukeries (Notts Gundog Club)- Open Stake
1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Hera
2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone
3rd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Va Va Voom
International Gundog League Pointer & Setter Society- Open Stake
1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood
3rd Mrs EF Kirk’s ESD Upperwood Zeus of Woundales
English Setter Club- Open Breed Stake
1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s Upperwood Va Va Voom
2nd Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Dora The Explorer
CoM Mr TDO Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert
English Setter Club- Open Stake
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Va Va Voom
West Dartmoor Gundog Club- Novice Stake
CoM Mrs Meryl Asbury’s ESD Upperwood Sacre Bleu
The Irish Setter Association England and Setter & Pointer Club- Open Stake
4th Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Va Va Voom
The Pointer Club- Open Stake
1st Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood No Fly Zone
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Hera
CoM Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood
The Scottish Gundog Assocation Novice Stake
2nd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Flake
The Scottish Gundog Association- Open Stake
CoM Mr W Connolly’s ESB F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cara handled by Mr G Devine
Northern Counties Pointer & Setter Society- Novice Stake
1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Flake
Northern Counties Pointer & Setter Society- Open Stake
1st Mr G Devine’s ESD F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Excel
The Pointer Club of Scotland- Novice Stake
2nd Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala
3rd Mr G Devine’s ESB Tullycroman Isla
The North of Scotland Gundog Association- Novice Stake
1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Flake
The North of Scotland Gundog Association- Open Stake
2nd Miss C Calvert’s ESB Gortinreagh Clover
3rd Mr G Devine’s ESD Gortinreagh Flyer
4th Mr G Devine’s ESD F.T.Ch Ballyellen Cody
CoM Miss C Calvert’s ESB Gortinreagh Clio
Scottish Field Trials Association- Kennel Club Puppy Derby Stake
CoM Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Gala
Scottish Field Trials Association- Novice Stake
1st Mr G Devine’s ESB Gortinreagh Flake
2014 Champion Stake for Pointers and Setters
Diploma of Merit Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESB Upperwood Hera
Diploma of Merit Mr G Devine’s ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Eppie
English Setter Results from the English Autumn Partridge and Pheasant Trials-
Gordon Setter Field Trial Society- Open Stake
2nd Mr TDO Hall’s ESB Upperwood Ash Alert
Pointer Club - Open Stake
4th Mr DM Goutorbe’s ESD Gibeltarik Troy at Upperwood
English Setter Results from the Northern Ireland Summer and Autumn Grouse and Pheasant Trials-
NI Pointer Club - Open Stake - Glenwherry
2nd Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Flyer
Ulster IRS Club - Open Stake - Murley
2nd Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Flyer
3rd Miss C Calvert's ESB Gortinreagh Clio
Strabane & District S & P Club - Open- Glennoo
4th Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Flyer
NI Pointer Club - Open- Glarryford
1st Mr G Devine's ESB Gortinreagh Flyer
2nd Mr G Devine's ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Eppie
Ulster Gundog League - Open- Glenwherry
3rd Miss Carol Calvert's ESB Gortinreagh Clio
Strabane & District S & P Club - Open- Slieveanorra
1st Mr G Devine's ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Flyer
Ulster Irish Red Setter Club - Open- Murley
1st Mr G Devine's ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Eppie
Ulster Gundog League- Open- Glarryford
2nd Mr J Dobbin's ESD Falconstoop George
3rd Mr G Devine's ESD F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Excel
Strabane & District S & P Club - Open- Glennoo
2nd Mr G Devine's ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Eppie
Strabane & District S & P Club - Open- Glennoo
1st Mr G Devine's ESB F.T. Ch Gortinreagh Flyer
Donegal FT Association - Open- Scotstown
1st Mr G Devine's ESD Int F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Cody
2nd Mr G Devine's ESB F.T.Ch Gortinreagh Flyer
3rd Mr C Davitt's ESD Blackstairs Frank